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cigarette making中文是什么意思

用"cigarette making"造句"cigarette making"怎么读"cigarette making" in a sentence


  • 卷烟卷制


  • The application of ac servo - system in the cigarette making and filter assembling combination reformation
  • We also designed a fieldbus control system which is applied to cigarette making machinery with the reconstruct project of cigarette factory as its background
  • The serial adhesives for cigarettes include adhesive for cigarette holder , small packing adhesive type i and ii , large packing adhesive , and adhesive for lap joint of cigarettes made at high speed
  • Here are the following conclusions : the project of using the ac servo system in the cigarette making & plug assembling combination put forward in this article is reasonable and feasible
  • It emphasizes the basic structure , the performance advantages , the technical principle , the system application and the test methods of the ac servo control system used for zj15 cigarette making & plug assembling combination
  • Protos 70 series cigarettes making machines produced by hauni company in germany are widely applied by domestic tobacco companies , of which srm cigarette weight control system plays the vital role to the product quality
    联邦德国虹霓( hauni )公司生产的protos70系列卷烟机组被国内烟草生产厂家广泛应用,其中的烟支平均重量控制系统( srm )对产品质量起到重要作用。
用"cigarette making"造句  
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